Proud to be an FMAT Academy

End of Term Letter

As this term comes to an end, it is a chance to reflect on a long and busy few months for the Academy and a year that will stand alone in everybody’s memory as we try to return to a more stable and normal schooling pattern.

It has been my immense privilege to lead an incredibly skilled, talented and dedicated group of staff over this challenging year. This term I have seen some high-quality teaching, leading to good understanding and progress from our students. The rapid development of remote learning has been embraced by students who have shown excellent resilience and determination to ensure that this year will have as minimal impact on their aspirations and future goals as possible.  I look forward to this continuing next term and would encourage parents and carers over this holiday to discuss with students the topics and learning from this term, the ability to recall facts and apply skills is vital to GCSE success.

Thank you for your support this term. The new term begins for students on Wednesday 5th January 2022.  To accommodate the requirement for testing prior to starting back year groups will have the following start times.


Year 11 – 8.40am

Year 10 – 8.40am

Year 9 – 11.05am

Year 8 – 11.05am

Year 7 – 11.05am


The back gate will not be open and all students will enter through the main gate.


High Expectations of Uniform

We expect all students to be smart because we are a school with traditional values. The expectation is that all students are in full school uniform every day. This means:


  • Plain black shoes are the expectation for all students.
  • Every student is expected to look after and wear their house tie with pride.
  • Girls’ trousers must be in accordance with our policy.
  • Haircuts must NOT be extreme and on the natural spectrum (this is at the Head of Academy’s discretion).
  • No nose studs are permitted and there should be only one stud per ear.
  • No hooded sweatshirts, jackets or any other ‘informal’ tops are allowed.
  • No caps or pouches are allowed on site and will be confiscated.


Incorrect uniform will be challenged on arrival at the academy by senior staff at the gate.

Please use this time over the holiday to refresh any uniform that needs replacing, ties and shoes are the main areas that students break or grow out of.  Our uniform suppliers are open over the break and orders can also be done on-line, details can be found on the school web site.

Excellent Learning Habits

We expect all students to be on time every day and for all lessons. We expect students to be fully prepared for, and focused on learning every day. This means:

  • Items such as energy drinks and fizzy drinks are considered ‘banned items’ and will be confiscated because we are a healthy school.
  • Students should arrive at school 5 mins before the agreed start time. If students are late to school or unreasonably late to a lesson, they will serve a same-day, after school detention.
  • A suitable bag (big enough for a PE kit and workbook), pen, pencil, ruler, a scientific calculator, and planner are expected. A rubber and colours as well are useful. Equipment and planners will be checked every day in form time.
  • We are a ‘no touching school’. Boisterous behaviour will not be tolerated and will be sanctioned with a same-day after school detention. We want to ensure our students are safe and there is a calm, purposeful atmosphere so our students are ready for learning.
  • Mobile phones should be ‘not seen or heard’ on site. This is the same for headphones. Students may not use their phones until they have left the academy premises.
  • ‘First time, every time’ is our expectation for all students. We thank you for your ongoing support to ensure continued excellent behaviours for learning.


I would like to remind parents/carers that school will close for all students on Friday 17th December 2021 at 3pm, this will be a normal school finish time for all year groups.

Can I finish by giving my best wishes to all families, whether Christmas is celebrated or not; time to spend with friends and family is always very special. I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable break and please stay safe and adhere to all the appropriate COVID 19 guidance regarding vaccinations, passports and mixing, details can be found on the NHS and BBC websites.

If you would like to leave feedback on Parent View please follow the attached link:


Yours sincerely

Mr Mallett

Head of Academy

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