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Year 11 targeted intervention and Parents Revision Workshop

Dear Year 11 Parent/Carer

Your child is fast approaching the end of their time Erdington Academy. The final terms of Year 11 can be both an exciting and stressful time for students, as they face their final exams and decisions about their future. Added to the fact that due to the recent unforeseen circumstances, it has also meant that your child has missed opportunities to receive face to face teaching for some elements of theirs GCSE courses, we feel it is vital that we offer extra support to your child through their remaining time at the Academy.

Following parents’ evening last week, we are writing to you in order to outline both the expectations and support available for all students.

Introduction of Year 11 targeted Period 6 intervention Lessons (3.10pm – 4.10pm) this term.

In order to fully support our students and give them the best possible chance of success in their exams and their future, we are introducing a compulsory targeted period 6 lesson for selected students. It is an expectation of the academy that all selected students attend all timetabled Period 6 sessions. The sessions will be personalised, so it is important that students attend the sessions they are allocated to, to ensure that they are appropriate to individual needs. If students have a valid reason why they cannot attend a period 6 intervention lesson, they need to speak to Mrs Mabbett or Miss Perry in the first instance.  Both you and your child will receive an updated P6 timetable over the next few weeks. Period 6 lessons will be reviewed following the March mock examinations.

Before school Sessions

The Academy is committed to ensuring the best outcomes for all students. For this reason, there will be times during this academic year where selected students will be asked to attend before school sessions with the new NTP tutors joining us this term – further details will be sent once finalised. Further information about the NTP can be found here: About the National Tutoring Programme – NTP

Form time

In order to support students moving on from Year 11, there will be sessions during Form Time where students will receive information from supportive companies such as NCS: they will create CVs and explore interview techniques.

Students are all being offered one-to-one appointments with our Careers Adviser, so please do get in contact with Amanda O’Donnell on: should you have any queries. Furthermore, there will also be targeted intervention sessions for small groups of students during two form times per week, with the AAHTS of English, Geography, Maths and Science; again, we will communicate with you if your child is involved in these.

Year 11 Parents Revision Workshop, Tuesday 8th February – 6pm until 7.45pm

Providing Government guidelines allow, the revision workshop will take place in school, if not it will be online via Teams. This evening provides important exam information as well as extra support and the ways in which you can help your child at home.


It is an expectation that students’ attendance is above (as a minimum) 95% across the academic year. Where this is not the case, the Attendance Team and/or Year 11 team will be in touch to discuss this and support you with ways to improve your child’s attendance. Good attendance is key to achieving good results, therefore, we continue to use the FastTrack process and the Fixed Penalty Notice system in Year 11 in order to ensure attendance is not a barrier to success.


It is an expectation that students are on time not only to school but also to all lessons. Where this is not the case, the Attendance Team and/or Year 11 team will be in touch to discuss this and support you with ways to improve your child’s punctuality.


 The Academy has invested in a range of revision material and resources that your child should already have access to and use frequently. It is crucial during this last part of secondary education that your child is revising independently outside of the classroom and in addition to the intervention offered to them. Students have login details for a range of online platforms such as GCSEPOD, Mathswatch, the PiXl Lit App. All of these online platforms are designed to help students revise independently, linking each skill to the GCSE syllabus. Furthermore, staff provide a wealth of revision resources on Satchel:One (Show my homework) and on the school website: Erdington Academy

Satchel:One (Previously SMHW)

All homework will continue to be set on Satchel:One so students can access and submit work electronically. We advise you contact us if you cannot log in for any reason, and let us know if you do not have access to an electronic device so we can provide you with the same information.

MyED App

The App will be updated daily to keep you informed of your child’s timetable (including period 6 lessons), homework, behaviour and rewards.


The Academy has always taken pride in rewarding our students for their effort and attitude towards their studies. Year 11 is a challenging yet rewarding year. For those students that work hard and put in the effort we will do our best to ensure your child is rewarded and recognised.

Getting in touch/ concerns or queries

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s academic progress or need information or guidance on supporting your child’s progression, please get in touch with their form tutor in the first instance.

We look forward to working with you in the final terms ahead.

Yours sincerely,


Head of Academy







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