Academy Life

Duke of Edinburgh

Welcome to Erdington Duke of Edinburgh web page. The D of E Award has been an integral part of the school for over 20 years.

The requirements for each award will be detailed below but for more information please follow the link to the D of E website.

All student Awards are now online, so each student will have their own personal eDofE account to show their evidence for completing each section.  This can be accessed from home and school and will be an integral part of any Duke of Edinburgh training.

For dates of expedition, please refer to the school Calendar.

Guinness National Rugby School of the year Finalists 2019, please click here.

Gallagher UK Rugby Club of the Year Award Winners 2020, please click here. 

For a list of twenty conditions which should be met in order to complete an expedition please click here.

For a physical activity log please click here .

For skills activity log please click here.

For volunteering activity log  please click here.

Click here for a planner design to help DofE students when setting up their eDofE account.

For a list of programme ideas please click here.

For a video to help you get started on eDofE, please click here.

For parents information booklet please click here.