Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Academy Life

Careers Entitlement

We are proud of our strong established links with a variety of employers and education partners who we work closely with throughout the year. Careers Education at Erdington Academy is a coherent programme of activities that inform, inspire and motivate young people, preparing them for work and helping them to understand where different education and training choices could take them in the future. This is delivered throughout all year groups.

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is a major contributing factor towards the successful transition into the world of work. This is supported by parents, teachers, professionals and advisory agencies and includes information provided by the DfEs statutory guidance. Erdington Academy is also guided by the eight benchmarks for delivering good career guidance, as identified in the Gatsby ‘Good Career Guidance’ report.  The aims and objectives are that students feel confident and well informed about their choices and are able to engage proactively in decisions about the pathways they will take now and in the future.

Erdington Academy’s Careers Team are dedicated to ensuring students between Years 7 and 11 receive independent and impartial careers guidance, developing an embedded culture of high expectations and potential attainment.

As part of our commitment to prepare our students for a rapidly changing world, we are delighted to announce that we have signed up to Start – an innovative digital careers platform.

Start will help your child to explore and prepare for their future career as well as develop their personal profile that will support their transition through education and in to employment.

All students have direct access to

Throughout each stage, students experience a host of coherent and progressive programmes, each inspiring and enabling the students to think ambitiously about future careers options.

Please click here for information on Birmingham Careers Hub.

Birmingham Careers Service News - January 2023

Please click here for further information.

Your Top 5 Careers Advice Links for This Term!


1. Work experience ideas

Doing a work experience placement is a great way to find out whether a certain type of career is for you. If you’re in Year 10 and struggling for ideas, here are a few tips to get you started.

2. What is learning style and how can it help me study?

Knowing your learning style is helpful, as it could help you to get the most out of your studies. Not sure what you learning style is? Read our handy guide to find out.

3. How to prepare for a work experience placement

For many students, a work experience placement is their first taste of what it’s like to be in a real workplace. Check out our guide on how to prepare and make a good first impression. 

4. What’s the best way to revise?

With exams not too far away, it’s time to hit the books. But where do you start? As with so many things in life, how to revise depends on you. That means you already know the answer – you just need us to help tease it out! 

5. How to make a revision plan

Spending a few hours planning out when you’re going to revise really takes the pressure off and lets you concentrate on the work itself. We’ve come up with a simple, portable and original alternative to the traditional revision timetable template.