Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Our Academy

Statutory Information & Reports

Academy contact details

Erdington Academy

Kingsbury Road


B24 8RE

(Please use B24 8RD for SatNav)

0120 373 1080

Further Academy contact information

Please contact the Office Manager, Julie Colvin, for all queries:

Principal of Academy: Mr. S. Mallett

Special Educational Need Coordinator (SENDCO): Mrs L Hillier. Email:

Designated Lead Teacher for Looked After Children (LAC): Mr J Halstead

Contact information for Chair of the Trust Board and our Multi Academy Trust, FMAT

Fairfax Multi-Academy Trust Company Number – 07661164

Admissions arrangements

Please see our section on admissions, including in-year admissions.

Ofsted and Performance Tables

Information regarding our most recent Ofsted judgement can be found on our Ofsted page.

Examination outcomes


Information about our approach to the curriculum and the content each year group follows can be found on our Curriculum page. Should you wish to know further information, contact details for the member of staff leading the curriculum are on the curriculum page.

Behaviour Policy

For our Behaviour policy and changes during the Covid 19 pandemic please see see our Policies and Procedures page.

Pupil Premium funding

Our strategy for the use of the Pupil Premium Funding Grant and its impact can be found on our additional funding page.

Year 7 literacy and numeracy Catch-Up premium

Our strategy for the use of the Year 7 literacy and numeracy Catch-Up premium and its impact can be found on our Additional Funding page.

Equality Objectives

Please see our Policies page for details on how to meet the public sector equality duty and our equality objectives.

Special Educational Needs and Disability information

Name of SENDCO: Mrs Louise Hillier. Email:

The support we offer for SEND students and how meet the needs of all students, including those with disabilities, can be found on our SEND information page and in our SEND Policy on our Policies page.

Accessibility plan for disabled students

Please see our SEND information page for details on how we support our disabled students in accessing a full curriculum experience. Please also see our Accessibility plan and SEND policy on the Policies and Procedures page.

Careers programme information

Our Careers Leader is Miss L Millward, who can be contacted on:

Tel: 0121 373 180

Information about the careers education and opportunities our students take part in is found on our Careers page. This includes further information on our commitment to ensuring all our students are aware of the range of educational / training routes available to them, known as ‘The Baker Clause’. Our Provider Access policy can be found here.

Please click here for an overview of the careers opportunities for Years 7 – 11, including lesson content for our ‘Edge’ lessons and opportunities to meet external providers.

Click on the sub-menus to explore further information for parents, providers and recent labour market information.

Complaints policy

Please visit our Policies page to view our Complaints policy.

Annual reports and accounts

lease see our Trust finance page for financial annual reports and further documentation.

Trustees’ information and duties

Please see our Trust Governance pages for details of our Trust governance arrangements and further documentation. Click on the menu on the Right Hand Side of the page to explore each section.

Executive Pay

Please click here to review the Trust website’s Annual Reports and Accounts page, where information on Executive Pay can be found

Charging and remissions policy

Please visit our Policies page to view our Charging and remissions policy.

Values and ethos

Please see our Principal of Academy’s welcome for our Values and Ethos.

Other useful policies

Relationships and Sex Education Policy on our Policies page.

Requests for copies

Please email or call 0121 373 1080 for a paper copy of the information on our website should you require it.