Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Year 9 Parents Evening, Thursday 6th February from 4pm until 7pm

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 9 Parents Evening, Thursday 6th February from 4pm until 7pm

 I would like to invite you to attend our Parents’ Evening on Thursday 6th February.

This will take place on site at Erdington Academy between 4 and 7pm.

You will be able to choose your own appointment times with teachers using the online booking platform ‘schoolcloud’ and will receive an email confirming your appointments. Please find a link below with details on how to access ‘schoolcloud’.

Please make an individual appointment with each teacher that you wish a consultation with.  Appointments can be made from Monday 27th January until Wednesday 5th February. Should you wish to make any changes after this date or require any support with making appointments, please contact the school office.  If you do not make appointments and attend the evening, it is at the teacher’s discretion if you are seen based on appointments made. Please note there is no entry to school after 6.45pm, last appointment at 6.50pm.

Before your appointment you might want to consider any pressing questions you want to ask the teacher about your child’s progress in their subject. Students are about to select GCSE subject preferences; this evening is an opportunity to discuss with teachers these courses.

To help you make informed decisions about your child’s preferences, we also have visitors from local post 16 providers to discuss the courses they deliver and recommended GCSE courses linked to careers. They will be based in a room close to attendance where you will be signing in. You may want to arrive a little earlier before your appointments commence to visit them or after you have finished your appointments with teachers.

Please visit to book your appointments.

Yours sincerely

Mr S Mallett

Principal of Academy


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