Weekly parental letter – 15th November 2024

15 November 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

I trust everyone is safe and well and thank you for a great start to the second half of the autumn term.  It has been particularly heartwarming for the past two weeks to see so many students demonstrating our Academy values of Excellence and Dedication in how they have prepared for the Academy Assessment week.  Every morning last week, I saw students with their revision notes working with one another to ensure they are as prepared as they can be for their assessments.

I want to thank you as parents and carers for the support you continue to give to ensure students are here, prepared and punctual, these are all essential elements of the Erdington Way!  We are looking forward to sharing the assessment data with you later this half term and working with you on how both the Academy and parents/ carers can use this information.

As an Academy we intend to build on a positive start to the autumn term and want to also remind parents /carers that there are resources on the curriculum section of the website which will give you the information about what your child will be learning this half term.  Our Home Learning Collaboration documents in particular give you not only comprehensive information about what your child will be learning, but also ideas of activities that you can do as a family to help bring learning to life in the community.

We are always looking for ways to strengthen the relationship we have with parents / carers and the community and as such we will be trialing this term’s parent forum being held via Microsoft teams. The event will take place on Wednesday 20th November.  Look out for further information on how you can join next week.

This week marks national anti-bullying week, as an Academy we have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and unkind behaviour of any kind and take every opportunity to reinforce this through both the taught and untaught curriculum.  This week, students have been discussing bullying during their hot topics section of form time and next week the discussions will continue with the student leadership team taking the lead in next week’s assembly. There are a range of resources that both parents and students can access should they have any concerns about bullying. For students if you need any help or advice the trained anti-bullying ambassadors are on hand as is your Head of Year.  For parents you can contact the relevant Key Stage Associate Assistant Principal and/or your child’s Head of Year.

In addition to the parents’ forum, we have several events and activities that you can become involved with.  I have detailed the key dates for your diary below.


Autumn 2 Key Events Dates
Year 11 Mock exams 11th November – 19th November
Parents Forum 20th November 6pm start
SEND Coffee Morning 27th November 10am start
Pastoral /Attendance Coffee morning 29th November (Time TBC)
PTFA Christmas Fayre 7th December
Year 11 Parents Evening 12th December 4pm – 7pm.
Culture Fest 19th December

Communication is key and we look forward to welcoming you to these events over the coming weeks.

If in the meantime, you would like to reach out to a member of the team about your child’s academic progress, personal matters or anything else you can do this by making contact through the My Child at School App or via the enquiry email. If you have a specific concern relating to a particular area of focus, the list of key contacts below may be beneficial.


Special Educational Needs

SENCO:                   Mrs Hillier                  email: l.hillier@erdington.fmat.co.uk

Assistant SENCO:    Mrs Cambridge      email:  e.cambridge@erdington.fmat.co.uk

Personal Development (including after school clubs)

Senior Teacher:      Mr G Bartlett            email: g.barlett@erdington.fmat.co.uk

AAP Character

and Culture:            Ms Folkes                  email: k.folkes@erdington.fmat.co.uk

Pastoral Team

AAP Key Stage 3:   Mr G Rowlands                   g.rowlands@erdington.fmat.co.uk

AAP Key Stage 4:   Mrs T Rashid                         t.rashid@erdington.fmat.co.uk

Head of Year 7:      Miss A Owens-Kenny        a.owenskenny@erdington.fmat.co.uk

Head of Year 8:      Mrs J Archer                        j.cook@erdington.fmat.co.uk

Head of Year 9:      Miss R Perry                          r.perry@erdington.fmat.co.uk

Head of Year 10:    Mr Y Khan                             y.khan@erdington.fmat.co.uk

Head of Year 11:    Miss S Logan                        s.logan@erdington.fmat.co.uk


As well as ensuring we have effective communication with our parents/carers, we are also always looking for ways to develop wider links with the community.

Please click here for a recent collaborative letter from the West Midlands Police which outlines advice on protecting the youth of the city from knife and weapon crime.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Ms Cross

Head of Academy

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