Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Academy Life


Our Vision:

We at Erdington Academy aim to increase students’ cultural capital by giving them broad and varied experiences in both the classroom and through extra-curricular activities.  

Music is a broad and expansive industry with many different facets, and it is our aim that our curriculum reflects that. One of the aims of our curriculum is that it will be an engaging and relevant curriculum that broadens students’ cultural awareness and builds on their current enculturation. 

During students’ 5 years at Erdington Academy, students are able to participate in any of the weekly extra-curricular activities offered such as various ensemblesbands, rehearsal time and concerts. These activities provide students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills from the classroom further and apply this to a more practical setting. This enables students to acquire a greater depth of knowledge in music beyond the classroom and be able to specialise in a specific area of music. 

By the end of their education students will: 

Be skilled as young composers, performers and listeners. They will have adopt a life-long appreciation of music and culturewhether or not they continue their musical studies into KS5 or to work in the music industry.

Curriculum Road Map:

Please click here for information 

KS3 Home Learning Collaboration

Home Learning 

Home Learning for Year 7 Spring 2 – Please click here

Home Learning for Year 8 Spring 2 – Please click here.

Home Learning for Year 9 Spring 2 – Please click here.

KS4 Course Overview

Please click here for an overview of the course.