Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Letter from Mrs Wright, Vice Principal – 8/11/2024

Good afternoon,

I just wanted to thank you all for the fantastic work you have done challenging your children to attend school this week and complete their Autumn Term assessments! I know that the whole staff really appreciate it – not only because it is important to have robust data to support planning and teaching (or even re-teaching), but also because it saves huge amounts of time in organising catch-up sessions for those who have missed particular papers, that were planned for this week. Percentages for EVERY year-group were well above the National Average, which is astounding. Indeed, attendance this week has been a real highlight. We know that many of you have chivvied along youngsters with a sniffle or a headache and sent them out to school. We really appreciate it. Sometimes, a couple of paracetamols and some fresh air, can do the world of good.

This week’s Attendance Champions across the week, are : Y11 – a huge 97% today which is fabulous.  Well done. They are to be commended for their commitment and dedication. This level of attendance, if continued, would have an immense impact on their final outcomes. When we have calculated the number of students in Y11 who have attended 100% this week and not been late to school, we will enter the names of their no.1 parental contact into a prize draw for a £25 supermarket shopping voucher to say, ‘thank you’ for your efforts!

The really great news is, that as we have done it once, with such amazing results, we can do it again and again, if we just keep going! There is no reason we can’t repeat these figures.

Additionally, there are a multitude of things to get involved in and with between now and the end of Autumn 2. In fact, there is something exciting almost every week. The more your child/ren are here (high attendance), and the more invested and involved they are, the more successful they will be, both academically and holistically. Evidence year-on-year for Erdington Academy cohorts, proves that, without doubt.

Dates for your diary (and events to encourage your children to take part in):

  • 15th November Children in Need (NOT non-uniform day)
  • 18th November Bake-off competition
  • 20th November (6pm) Parents’ Forum – online Q&A session for parents
  • 27th November SEND Coffee Morning (10am)
  • 29th November Teacher Training Day  – school closed to students
  • 7th December PTFA Christmas  Craft Event
  • 9th December The Great Christmas Pudding Race/Christmas Card & Christmas Tree competition
  • 12th December Y11 Parents’ Evening  4pm-7pm
  • 18th December Pantomime
  • 19th December Culture Fest (more details to follow)
  • 20th December Christmas Jumper Day – make the world better with a sweater

Thank you for all you do. It makes a real difference. We really appreciate it.

Mrs K Wright

Vice Principal | Behaviour & Ethos

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