Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Parental letter from our Vice Principal Ms Cross – 20/12/2024

20 December 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

As we approach the Christmas break, I have found myself reflecting on the past term and in particular one of our Academy values, tradition.   Tradition is one of the Academy values as it has a central role in contributing to a sense of belonging, that brings people together and enables us to develop shared connections.   This sense of belonging is a powerful human emotion, as when we truly feel like we belong, our motivation and desire to excel comes to the fore as we feel we are part of something bigger than us.

The academic year and in particular the Autumn term is made up of so many events, some have been part of the fabric of Erdington Academy for as long as I can remember, such as our remembrance service in November, the annual Christmas meal and Culture Fest performance, some of them are new, such as the pantomime trips and the remembrance tree.  New or old, it is those events, alongside the small moments and interactions such as a warm hello or holding a door open for each other, that make the culture at Erdington Academy so very special.

As the term comes to an end, I wanted to take the time to thank you for your continued support in working with the Academy to ensure the students are maximising every opportunity during their time at the Academy, but also to also focus on the new academic year.

The new term will start on Tuesday January 7th and we look forward to welcoming students back on site no later than 8:40 am, fully equipped with the correct uniform.

The Spring term will have lots of opportunities for both students and parents/carers to get involved with academy life and experience the Erdington way. Below is a snapshot of events to add to your diary.

  • 15th January – Parents forum – 5:30- 6:30 – Join in either virtually or in person.
  • 16th January – Year 9 KS4 Preferences Evening- 4 pm- 7 pm
  • 6th February – Year 9 Parents’ Evening – 4 pm – 7pm – Please book using Schoolcloud.

Over the holiday period when we’re not at school, we continue to care about our students and the wider community.  We know that a lot of services wind down over the festive period, and this reduced amount of support can feel worrying.  To help ease this worry, young Minds have put together a list of where young people and/or family members can find support over the holidays, if needed which includes:

If you feel you or a family member is unsafe and there is no one to help, dial 999.

Thank you again for your continued support and for working with us to ensure Erdington Academy is continually improving.  Sending warmest wishes for a peaceful and happy holiday; enjoy old traditions or embracing new ones.

Best wishes

Ms Cross

Head of Academy

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