9 December 2024
Dear Parents / Carers
At Erdington Academy, our commitment to excellence and the principles of the Erdington Way are reflected in the reports we share with you, providing a clear and comprehensive picture of your child’s progress, achievements and areas to improve. Reporting to parents is an integral part of the ongoing communication that we have with home, so we want to ensure that you fully understand the information they contain. Below is an explanation of the terms on the reports you receive.
Attitude to Learning
The attitude to learning score represents the level of effort exhibited by the student and their approach to their learning in each subject; this will be given as a score from 1– 4, with 4 representing a child with an excellent attitude to learning and 1 being poor. A student who receives an attitude to learning grade of 4 is meeting all the criteria below and this is what we want all students to aim for.
- Work meets the presentation standards.
- Ready for learning with full equipment for learning (ethos card, pen, pencil, green pen).
- Always punctual to lessons.
- Participates fully and takes an active part in learning.
- Always completes work on time and to the expected standard.
- Always completes homework and to the expected standard.
- Always follows the Code of Conduct and takes responsibility for their actions.
The results for KS3 will be based on the assessments completed at the beginning of November. We have taken the end of Key stage 2 scores and standardised assessment scores to assign each student a benchmark as follows:
B – Beginning to show, where your child is beginning to demonstrate some of the criteria we expect at this stage of their learning.
A – Approaching, where your child is working towards the level we expect at this stage of their learning.
S- Secure, where your child is at the level we expect at this stage in their learning.
E – Exceeding, where your child is above the level we expect at this stage in their learning.
GL Assessments Results
You will also receive your child’s GL assessments results. These are standardised tests used to evaluate students’ abilities and progress in areas such as literacy, reasoning, cognitive skills and scientific understanding. They will show you how your child is performing compared to students of the same age nationally. The results of these assessments will show you the areas your child is good at and areas for development. Please look at the tables which compare with national standards and read the description of scores which gives you practical suggestions to help your child improve through the next phase of their learning.
Target Grade
This grade is set based on the progress made by the top 20% of the schools in the country, taken from the Fischer Family Trust (FFT) who creates grades using students’ CAT 4 results taking into account what other students from similar backgrounds are expected to achieve.
The target grade is the minimum grade the student should be working towards achieving but they are not limited to this.
Mock Grade (Year 11 only)
This is the grade your child received on their mock exams taken at the beginning of November.
Expected Outcome
The expected outcome is a forecast grade that considers examination data, coursework, or NEAs for that student. The weighting of each component is also considered when calculating this grade.
Please discuss the report with your child and continue to encourage them to do their best in school.
The Academy will officially be closing for the end of term on Friday, 20th December at 12.40pm. We will reopen to all students on Tuesday, 7th January at 8:40 am (8.00-8.20 am for those students attending Breakfast Club).
Yours sincerely
Mrs Muschette
Assistant Principal