Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Year 9 GCSE Preferences
We are looking forward to welcoming all parents / carers of Year 9 students to the GCSE Preferences Evening on Thursday 16th January 05:30-7:00pm.
We want all students to have as much information ahead of making their final preferences, therefore we are running a series of events, which are designed to ensure you have all the information you help your child make the educational decisions for them as they progress to KS4.
Preferences evening provides an opportunity for yourself and your child to gain a greater insight into what it is like to study the courses we offer at KS4. Subject leaders as well as students who are currently studying each subject will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
In addition to having an opportunity to speak to subject leaders and students, we have also ensured there will be key staff on hand to answer specific questions including the academy SENCO and the Head of Key Stage. Furthermore, there will be a short presentation at 6pm informing all parent’s and carers of the process and procedure for Preferences and practical advice to help guide your child to make the best choice for them.
The information you gather at Preferences evening taken together with the Microsoft Sway document and information from Year 9 parents evening, scheduled for Thursday 6th February, will give you and your child a sound foundation to make your final decisions regarding the Preferences.
We look forward to seeing you next week.
Kind Regards,
Mr J Patel
Associate Assistant Principal