Proud to be an FMAT Academy


Dear Parent / Carer,


I am writing to invite parents and carers to express an interest in becoming a Parent/Carer Associate on our Academy Association.

The Academy Association is our local governing committee, which has specific functions delegated from the Fairfax Multi-Academy Board of Directors, as set out in the attached Governor Information Pack.

No special qualifications are needed; the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the Academy and have the time available to commit to playing an active part in the Academy Association.  Training is available for all Associates, details of these will be provided in due course.

Nominations must be from parents/carers, or individuals exercising parental responsibility, of a child at the Academy/one of the Academies in the Trust.

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, please complete the enclosed nomination form and return it to the Academy no later than Monday 16th December 2024. You should also include a short personal statement to support your nomination, which should be no longer than 250 words.

If you would like some further information before deciding to apply, please contact the Academy for a conversation.

Yours faithfully



FMAT Governor Information Pack - Prospective Academy Associates Interested in Becoming a Parent or Carer Associate
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