Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Year 11 welcome letter

12th September 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we embark on the new academic year 2024/25, I am excited to introduce myself as the Head of Year 11 at Erdington Academy. I am thrilled to be working closely with you and your child throughout this important year. As the Head of Year 11, my role is to support and guide our students through their final year of secondary education. I am committed to ensuring that each student reaches their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. Together, we will navigate the challenges and celebrate the achievements that come with this significant year. Although the term has only just started, I’m pleased to say that the Year 11 cohort have already impressed me with their commitment to excellence; they have been punctual, working hard in lessons and great role models around school to our new Year 7s.


Students will have the opportunity to experience exciting events in Year 11, based on meeting school standards. Your child can earn positive achievement points in lesson and around the school by demonstrating hard work and our Academy Values. Attendance and punctuality are also factors that will decide if your child will be invited to these events. If a student receives more than -50 negative points and more than 15 lates to school during the academic year, then they will not be rewarded with the Year 11 trip. They will also not receive an invite to the Year 11 Prom.


Please remind yourself of the uniform standards this year, which can be found on the school website, and continue your support in making sure your child is in correct uniform. There is a list on the website that specifies what cannot be worn (as nails, eyelashes, sunglasses etc) – please ensure your child does not wear these into school as it will result in a consequence. We have uniform that we can lend to students in emergencies, however if you have any issues, please contact us to see if there is any help we can provide.

Attendance and Punctuality:

100% attendance is vital for all students, particularly in Year 11, to access the necessary learning for the GCSE’s. Students are expected to be at school and in lessons on time. If students receive 15+ lates, then they will not be allowed to attend events at the end of the year such as prom and the rewards trip.

Key Dates:

Year 11 Parents Evening: Thursday 12th December 2024

Autumn term 2024

Wednesday 4th September – Friday 25th October

Staff Training Days – Monday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd September and Friday 4th October

Monday 4th November – Friday 20th December

Staff Training Day – Friday 29th November

Spring term 2025

Monday 6th January – Friday 14th February

Monday 24th February – Friday 11th April

Staff Training Day – Monday 6th January 

Summer term 2025

Monday 28th April – Friday 23rd May

Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May

Monday 2nd June – Friday 18th July

Staff Training Day – Monday 21st July


I believe that open communication between home and school is key to a student’s success. I would like to remind you of the role of the tutor and their relationship with your child. While I am always available for communication, I want to highlight the importance of their form tutor as a first point of communication. Tutors will communicate with you regarding attendance and behaviour concerns and to share positive moments with you.

Form Tutor Contacts:

11D6 – Miss S Begum:

11D3 – Ms J Wilczynska:

11S4 – Mr M Sturk/Miss T Alexander: /

11S7 – Miss Y Livingstone:

11A1 – Mr G Bartlett:

11A5 – Miss S McMurchy:

11M2 – Ms N Charlery:

11M8 – Mr J Gapara:

If you need to contact our Year 11 team, please find our email addresses below:

Head of Year 11 – Miss S Logan:

Associate Assistant Principal – Mrs T Rashid:

I look forward to working together to make this year a rewarding and successful one for our students.

Warm regards,

Miss S Logan

Head of Year 11

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