Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Assesment Weeks Letter – 27.9.2023

27 September 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope this letter finds you well. We would like to inform you about the upcoming Assessment Weeks at Erdington Academy, which are scheduled to take place the week beginning November 13th 2023, and week beginning February 21st 2024. These assessment weeks are an integral part of our academic calendar and play a significant role is assessing your child’s progress.

During the Assessment Weeks, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the subjects they have been studying throughout the term. Assessments will cover a range of topics and skills relevant to where they are in the curriculum. Our dedicated teachers will be working diligently to prepare students for these assessments, and we believe it is an essential opportunity for students to showcase their learning.

Here are a few important details regarding the first Assessment Week:


The first Assessment Week will commence on November 13th for all students and will conclude November 17th for years 7 -10 and November 24th for year 11 who will be completing their mocks.


A detailed assessment schedule, including specific subjects and times, will be provided to students prior to the assessment period. We encourage you to help your child prepare by reviewing their study materials and maintaining a regular study routine.


If your child requires any additional support or accommodations during the assessment period, please don’t hesitate to contact their teachers or the SEND department. We are committed to ensuring that all students have a fair and comfortable testing experience.


Excellent attendance is crucial during these weeks. If your child is unwell or facing any other exceptional circumstances, please notify the school as soon as possible so that we can make necessary arrangements.


Assessment results will be communicated to you when reports are completed and at Parent’s evenings you will be able to discuss your child’s progress and any areas that may require additional attention.

We encourage you to provide your child with a supportive and nurturing environment during this period. Encouraging good study habits and adequate rest will help them to perform at their best.

Thank you for your continued support of the work we are doing at the Academy to ensure that our students are given the best opportunities to succeed.

Yours sincerely

S Muschette

Assistant Principal

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